Thursday, September 1, 2011


Barak Obama needs someone to work his schedule and consult with the really important people as to when they have an opening. I could almost feel sorry for the man. He made it all the way to the Oval Office, and now he must get in line to be heard between blabbering senators and mighty quarterbacks.

Alas, these are evil times. Perhaps Obama needs to make a clean sweep-- give all those pee wee league Liberal Marxist pansies in his White House staff a pink slip, and bring in a couple of retired school librarians to help him set up a workable schedule before he announces where he will be and when he will make some great swelling speech.

Now, if the US Golf Open were looming up, I am sure Obama would have a virtually worshipful and humble attitude and keep completely out of sight and off the political circuit so he could watch it on TV. Obama needs to study the religious zeal of America better. Worship of our dear heavenly quarterback comes before all things, even  a President.

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