Saturday, October 8, 2011


Read and watch the video of the President of the Southern Baptist Convention on Mitt Romney's cultic religion.

Here is what Mitt Romney believes:

1. "What we are, God once was, what God is, we shall be." This is a short version Mormons use to tell the world that they all (men only please) expect to be gods one day. They believe God was once a man just like us, and he, being the ultimate yuppie, made it to the top and is now the ruling God. But, all Mormons believe they will one day be gods also, and they will populate their own universe just as God is allegedly populating his right now.

2. Which brings up the next curious belief. Mormons believe God is in bed right now copulating with Mary, his wife, whom  he got "for eternity" as a wife after Joseph used her in "time" on earth. God makes countless spirit babies by his wife Mary, and these spirits are sent into the world when a human baby is born physically. The spirit is shrunk to fit the body of a new human infant, and in the process, the spirit becomes infantile in personality and must grow up with the human baby. I am not making this up. Check it out with your Mormon friend.

3. Mitt Romney wears special underwear which he got when he was baptized in the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City. He also went through a cleansing ceremony in the temple in which his genitals were dedicated to God for his use.

4. Mitt Romney believes that Black people are now welcome into the Mormon priesthood. They had to be blocked from the priesthood because they fought with Satan, in their past spirit form, in the battle in heaven (not in the Bible) when the forces of God (White) fought the forces of Satan, or Lucifer. The Blacks were blocked from the priesthood because those in the Mormon priesthood have a special power to control eternity in the future, and, "You know how them Niggers multiply." If the traitorous Blacks were allowed into the priesthood, they would one day in eternity outnumber Whites. This is PRECISELY the reason Blacks were not allowed into the priesthood until President Kimbal got a revelation from God that the Blacks were so far behind now that they ceased to be a threat.

5. Mitt Romney believes all that is written in "The Seer", one of the canonical books of Mormonism. In this book, Orson Pratt teaches that when you cut a limb off of a tree, the spirit in the tree suddenly shrinks back into the tree itself. Otherwise, there would be bits and pieces of partial spirits laying around when trees are pruned. Mitt Romney believes trees have spirits.

6. Mitt Romney believes that Lucifer (Satan) is the brother of Jesus. The birthright of godhead was given to Lucifer, but Jesus robbed him of it, like Joseph robbed Easu of his birthright.

7. Mitt Romney does not believe that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are sufficient to save him from damnation. He does not expect to be saved by faith alone, as the Bible teaches. He believes that he must work until he dies to earn his salvation, and the harder he works, and the more kids he has, the more powerful his universe will be in the god world of eternity future. His do gooder decency image is NOT red, white, and blue patriotism-- it is his Mormon duty to take charge of as much of this world as possible and make it a good place.

8. Mitt Romney does not believe that the Bible is without error. He believes that nearly every verse in the Bible is corrupted, and all of the cannon of the Mormon Church must be added to the Bible to learn the truth. This cannon includes The Book of Mormon, The Doctrines and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price, The Seer, and all of the writings and opinions of the Mormon Church Presidents since Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith got the revelation of the Book of Mormon from God in a woods in New York State via an angel named Moroni. This was done by sending Smith to find a book of gold plates which were written in a sort of hieroglyphic form. Moroni gave Smith a pair of magic glasses so he could read the gold plates. Mitt Romney believes ALL of this Mother Goose tale.

As to the Southern Baptist President's stand on Romney, he is 100% correct. Romney may be a good person as man counts goodness. I have met hundreds of good Mormons in my piano tuning profession. But, they are spiritually damned to hell, are 100% committed to promote their religion 24/7, and they have no personal respect for anyone who rejects Mormonism.

Mitt Romney believes there are four destinations for us all in eternity future. Sho nuff 24 carat Mormons go straight to Paradise (The Celestial) where they will make babies with their wives (yes, plural) forever and copulate forever. This is almost a carbon copy of the Islamic Paradise and the 72 virgins. 

Those who are religious, bow to Jesus, but do not come via the Mormon Church, will go to the Telestial Kingdom in between heaven and earth where they will be happy, but they will not be allowed to copulate and make babies. 

The third group are the general heathen who will go the Terrestrial Kingdom where they will be in a sort of remake of earth and reasonably comfortable. 

The fourth group, though they try to minimize it, and those who reject Mormonism outright, like the President of the Southern Baptist Convention, go to hell.

So, Mitt Romney is a pagan and heretic. He is also a fine red, white, and blue decent American, at least openly. The question is, do you believe he is ONLY that, or is he a patronizing snob at heart. Personally, from my experience with Mormons, I assume he is the latter. And, I will not vote for him.


Cindi P. said...

I plan to print this and show friends who say that the Mormons are Christians just like us, you wrote that in such a simple and easy way to explain. Thank you.

Cindi P. said...

I plan to print this and show friends who say that the Mormons are Christians just like us, you wrote that in such a simple and easy way to explain. Thank you.