Friday, September 16, 2011


Mayor Bloomsberg may be trying to do the Republicans a favor by putting Obama in a corner so that his tax-the-rich plans are thwarted. But, this tactic is an old method of calling the citizens to riot. Bloomberg has made the possibility of riots in New York City almost certain.


With a population, many of whom refuse to work and sponge off of those who work-- 

a population mentally dull from fluoride and chlorine in their water, and soy products and MSG and Aspertame, and high fructose corn syrup in all their food--

a population whose immune system is working overtime to hold off the 52 doses of vaccine the Feds mandate--

This population has one thing working-- the part of the brain where excitotoxins function. These are the road rage people-- the flash mobs who bust up stores-- 

All they need is for a jerk in a suit to stand up and predict they will riot.


Next, we will have Jesse Jackson preaching this sermon, and then a thousand Liberal politicians. These damned fools will burn America with their mouths, and after it is all over, they will blame George Bush.

Mark er down-- see if I am not right one day.

And, you wonder why we in Texas ponder what life would be like without the rest of you.....?

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