Friday, September 30, 2011


The Department of Defense has made it official that Military Chaplains can perform same sex marriages on US Military installations.


Here is the logic the Pentagon goons used:

"Private functions are not official activities of the Department of Defense," he wrote. "Thus, the act of making DoD facilities available for private functions, including religious and other activities, does not constitute an endorsement of the activities by DoD."

Now, I have a Modest Proposal. Suppose there are dedicated witches in the US Military who believe that human sacrifices are essential to their religious zeal, that is, "private functions, including religious and other activities"?

I propose that the US Military might want to make an official statement that witches in the US Military (there are some) be allowed to do human sacrifices in privacy as part of their religion. As a matter of environmental stewardship, the witches could be encouraged to either recycle the corpses or eat them.

Only enemy captives would be sacrificed because they could then be listed as "collateral damage".

Since the DoD claims that marriage of sodomites is not necessarily endorsed by the DoD, we jack legs in flatlandonia would not in any way hold the Military responsible for condoning human sacrifices on Military bases, right?

You sure cannot claim that we never get out over the edge in Texas :-)

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