Sunday, September 25, 2011


How do you get America's eyes off of your criminal fraud tricks LIKE THIS?

You start a Black racist march LIKE THIS: To the Congressional Black Caucus, which is bipartisan, the only way you can interpret this ("Too many people are fighting US....) is a call to battle. On the street in the inner city, this will quickly turn violent. Obama must be made to answer for this.

Problem-- BO is NOT a Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. who insisted in ONLY marching, as with Mahatma Gandhi. BO wants killing and blood.

He sounds real "bully" in his block talk. But, when a Black man resorts to racist rhetoric to save his worthless hide, he is running out of real stuff to present.

Question: Will Blacks in the USA riot? If so, they will end up in concentration camps, AND BO will have made sure they end up there. This will rake the top off the economy, and FEMA may have put in place the wherewithal to actually Auschwitz them.

Weep for you children, Harriet Tubman. You should have left them in Mississippi where they at least had a chance to hide from the long legged mac-daddy. Rev. Martin lead them to equal rights, BO is leading them to hell.

Is BO to blame? Yes, but only as much as a puppet is to blame for the Hidden Hand.

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