Sunday, September 25, 2011


You look at Obama and ask, "Is that the best we can do?"


BO is not an African American up from slavery. 

He is a liberal Marxist who has CHOSEN be a  slave  to White elite puppeteers above, the Hidden Hand. 

You are free, he is a slave. 

That is why he is making a fool of you. He is being coached by beasts who want to cause you to believe you are inferior.

So, get on with life, and stop looking over your shoulder. 

Maybe Herman Cain, a very successful Black business man, up from slavery, smart and ready to kick butt, will be chosen to run for President of Vice-president. Your day of real glory may yet come.

And, also STOP blaming the lousy performance of BO on White people. We have NO control over this process. We are just as provoked by this mob up yonder as you are.

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